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Technical Finance 

Global Financing and Capital Raising

Mr. DeGiulio has been involved in several landmark projects involving cross-border financial engineering and capital raising. He has played an instrumental role, in particular, with ushering companies within the Lion Economies of Africa onto to the global economic playing field. Some of the mechanisms employed in accomplishing the aforementioned include capital raising via ADR issuance; global visibility and communications campaigns; and introductions of joint ventures among US- and Lion-based corporations.


Stress Testing

Mr. DeGiulio employed various simulation techniques on asset and liability portfolios to determine their reactions to varying financial situations. In evaluating client assets at both Citigroup and CRG Partners, Mr. DeGiulio leaned heavily on both organically-developed and computer-generated stress tests to gauge how certain stressors will affect client company portfolios. The results of these tests were a contributing determinant to the ultimate investment strategy, asset allocation and risk management models applied to each portfolio.


Financial Modeling

Having the fortunate opportunity to receive mentorship from a highly distinguished investment and asset management professional, Mr. DeGiulio has acquired portfolio management and financial modeling techniques utilized by the top performing 1% of institutional investors. This theoretical training and real-world application has been applied to an aggregate of over $50 billion in client portfolio AUM, with a track record of superior ROI.

Organizational Design and Development

Executive Suite and Board Level Teams

Over the course of his career, Mr. DeGiulio has been charged with the task of identifying and procuring top talent for executive management and senior leadership teams. He has earned the trust of Boards of Directors and C-level suites to handle their most critical strategic human capital hires. From boutique private equity entities to global Fortune 500 companies, Mr. DeGiulio has delivered some of the top leadership talent within these firms.


Compensation Plan Design

During his career, Mr. DeGiulio has developed mechanisms for how companies structure their revenue sharing, performance appraisal program and bonus pool. These models were built with a number of embedded variables that adjusted against external forces such as cyclical variance, business decline and potential adverse scenarios across the macro-economic environment. This design planning created a model whereby potentially negative employee relations issues were properly controlled for, limiting the risk to the firm’s culture and performance. The practical application of this detailed compensation structure design and analysis has allowed for the ability to provide firms with the insight to develop appropriate compensation packages that attract and retain the requisite talent to drive growth and defend against attrition.


Organizational Needs Analysis

Mr. DeGiulio possesses over 15 years of experience in the assessment, analysis and scoping of organizational human capital needs. From Board and C-level vacancies to core technical finance, risk and compliance roles, he has worked with senior leadership to properly identify the business challenges and subsequently deliver the requisite talent to deliver upon these initiatives at the highest level.

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Strategy and Project Management

Business Unit Management

Over the course of his career, Mr. DeGiulio has been charged with the task of managing various strategic initiatives, business units and project teams. During his tenure with Citigroup and CRG Partners, Mr. DeGiulio was responsible for training and developing business development and marketing teams in pursuit of large, institutional clientele. Duties included the creation of strategic planning and marketing campaigns; development of collateral and presentation materials; creation of tracking, metrics and productivity assessment tools; training institutional sales teams in areas of objection handling, closing techniques, negotiation tactics and professional communications.



Strategic Planning 

Mr. DeGiulio has developed a high level of proficiency in the areas of business plan design and the related strategic planning required for subsequent execution. Successful ventures and projects to which his expertise has been applied include: generation of over $50 billion in AUM under advisory; $400 million capital raising for international financial institutions; numerous Private Equity-driven acquisitions across various industries with a total acquisition valuation over $600 million.

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