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Mr. DeGiulio has been fortunate to earn a seat as a critical player in the strategy, implementation and execution of various landmark projects across a diverse array of industries, sectors and markets. While client firms and management teams are held in the strictest confidence, please find a small sampling of successful initiatives below. If there is a specific interest in learning more, please do not hesitate to submit an inquiry.

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Global Financing


Our team was called upon to deliver a multi-faceted suite of advisory solutions for a leading bank in Africa. The firm, enjoying a top 15% position in the financial sector, possessed a dynamic management team with a progressive vision. Upon reviewing our recommended strategy, the executive team realized there was tremendous potential to expand their footprint, drive hyper-growth, unlock value, fortify their balance sheet and capture significant market share



We carefully laid out a long term strategic plan to the senior executives of the bank. Upon receiving senior sponsorship for the project from the CEO/Group MD, Deputy MD and others, we tactically designed and assembled the deal team. This group was comprised of leading players in their respective fields including a New York-based global depository bank, a ‘bulge bracket’ investment bank and global communications team.


The depository group was led by the New York team and supplemented by their London and Johannesburg Offices to ensure the full range of senior leadership (New York), emerging market professionals (London) and local (Johannesburg) teams working in concert to drive success.


The investment banking component was executed with a similar global footprint involving New York, London and Johannesburg. This formula ensured a high-touch approach, whereby the bankers visited the client on-site to conduct conference calls right from the comfort of the client’s own offices.


The global communications process involved the formation of a team to develop the “equity story” – a powerful narrative highlighting the strengths of the client. This step was paramount in translating the client’s positioning within the local market to proxies easily digestible for global players who may not be necessarily knowledgeable about the African financial and economic landscape.

Finally we designed a project management plan including a visibility campaign that ensured all parties communicated effectively, easily leaping over the hurdles of the cross-Atlantic divide, to ensure that the task was completed on time and with unprecedented success.



The project was successfully completed yielding a global market financing project exceeding 700% of the initially desired capital. These results not only served to fortify the Bank’s balance sheet in advance of the global financial meltdown, but also positioned the Bank’s CEO as a recognized and “known entity” in global markets, ultimately being viewed as an innovator in his region. Finally, the bank possessed a strategic long-term expansion plan that propelled the firm’s growth over the coming years. The bank has recently emerged as an undisputed market leader and a prime destination for global capital seeking participation in the regional sector.

Investor Relations


A large global telecom entity was faced with the challenge of a languishing stock price accompanied by extremely thin trading. Investor interest had been steadily waning and the Executive Management team wanted to explore ways to improve visibility as well as stock value. When we commenced services in 2010, the firm’s stock price was $13. Institutional holdings were 30% and there was no research coverage.


We conducted a thorough assessment of the company’s current investor relations and corporate communications program. After the 1 week diagnostic, a number of gaps were identified. The following recommended solutions and actions were executed:

  • Our team arranged 15 days of investor/analyst meetings within the first 6 months in various cities, as well as visits to corporate HQ and conference calls. Our analysts obtained detailed feedback on all meetings and reported findings to management.

  • We wrote all investor communications including news releases, conference call scripts, roadshow presentation and investor fact sheets.

  • Advised management on financial guidance, acquisition communications, and financing alternatives under consideration.

  • Advised on the development of an Investor Relations section for the firm’s web site.

  • Maintained ongoing contact with institutional holders and analysts.


  • Garnered research coverage, and directly introduced the Company to several institutions that established substantial positions.

  • Secondary Offering completed one year into relationship.

  • Institutional holdings increased from 30% to 60% of shares outstanding.

  • Stock reached high of $21.50 while working together.

  • Firm was subsequently acquired by a leading industry player for $54 per share.

Board Advisory


The client, a globally-renowned haute couture luxury fashion house dating back to the 1800s, was struggling with a number of challenges stemming from a change of ownership. The previous owner, a Private Equity Group, had sold the company to a European-based investment group. We were brought in by the New York-based senior executives of the North American business to assist with issues including the review of the company’s global investment portfolio, benefits package, and governance procedures.


The client team involved the New York-based C-suite, which included the CEO, CFO, Finance Director and Human Resources Director. The concerns across each of the team members was unique, presenting a diverse collection of challenges to be assessed. The CEO hoped to gain insight on overall strategic level issues; the CFO and finance directors aimed to understand the financial challenges; and the HR director desired to understand the perspective of the people and the organization.  We then met with the European-based Management and owners to understand their perspective, desires and expectations.

Next, a thorough review was conducted to assess the key dimensions of the company’s North American business to identify opportunities to drive value. We carefully analyzed, compared and contrasted the business with the other divisions measuring the facts with the expectation of the new European based owners. We quickly zeroed in on the opportunity to improve the US business by employing a two-pronged strategy.  First, bringing their global investment portfolio up to standards of stewardship, oversight and fiduciary care was of paramount importance; and second, improving the compensation and reward packages of the US employees who had been provided a substandard package for many years. Peer review studies indicated that a significant gap had emerged between the client and other firms in their industry and was depressing productivity.


  • Bringing the benefits package in line with competitors, the company expressed appreciation to the work force who, in turn, were re-energized and motivated to unleash productivity. As a result, morale increased, employee turnover dropped by 36% and a corresponding spike in sales was realized.

  • Global investment portfolio was brought in line, performance was concurrently improved and risk management practices led to lower volatility, leading to improved risk-adjusted performance.

  • A best-in-class Fiduciary process was instituted which led to an efficient and streamlined governance system, reducing risk.

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